Seventh International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring

February 17th - 20th 2025 


- Call for abstracts -

Abstract submission is now open!

Deadline October 15th, 2024


The workshop will be held in hybrid mode.



The scope of this workshop is to share the developments and applications in all aspects from geoelectrical monitoring, namely: cases-studies, instrumentation, data acquisition, algorithms for data processing, modeling and inversion as well as interpretation techniques. Applications can vary among:

• Landslides, embankments and geohazards
• Inversion and modelling
• Data quality assessment
• Infrastructure monitoring
• New fields of application
• Induced polarization
• Electromagnetics (new!)
• Ground-penetrating radar (new!)
• Developments in instrumentation
• Test sites

Please keep in mind that just geophysical monitoring related contributions will be accepted. 


Program (preliminary)

Monday, Feb. 17th 

Evening: Ice breaker party

Tuesday, Feb. 18th

Morning: presentations
Afternoon: poster session and round table
Evening: Conference Dinner 

Wednesday, Feb. 19th

Morning: presentations
Afternoon: poster session and round table

Thursday, Feb. 20th

Morning: final discussions


Venue (new location!)

TU Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Vienna, Austria
2nd floor, green area
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GELMON 2025 is a co-organized event by the Geophysical Research Units of the GeoSphere Austria (legal successor of the Geological Survey of Austria since 2023) and TU Wien.

GeoSphere Austria, Neulinggassse 38, 1030 Vienna
TU Wien, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Geophysics,  Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Vienna

Deadline & Fees

  • Submission of abstracts                      Oct. 15th, 2024
  • Early registration (€ 320)                     Dec. 15th, 2024
  • Regular registration (€ 350)                  Feb. 7th, 2025
  • Student (€160)                                         Feb. 7th 2025 

For online and on-site participation, the same payment deadlines and registration fees come into effect.

On-site attendance includes coffee breaks and lunch as well as the conference dinner.

On-site attendance of the leading author is required for oral and poster presentations.

For companies, we offer the possibility to present themselves and their newest technological developments in a separate session. If you are interested, please contact



Link to GELMON 2025 abstract submission (link

Link to GELMON 2025 program (coming soon) 
Link to previous GELMON book of abstracts 


The book of abstract GELMON 2025 will have a DOI Number.